I managed to stay well under the spending limit for this run, and I filed the necessary waiver, therefore I am not legally required to file a disclosure of my expenses. None-the-less, I intend to disclose all of my expenses relating to this campaign on this web-site. You will find it posted shortly before the election on the sidebar.
As I have added new posts to this site, old posts have dropped off the front page into the archives. The entire archive is still available and can be accessed on the sidebar as well. However, for the benefit of anyone who might like to read the posts through in order, I will end this installment with a link index in chronological order.
IntroductionDon't forget to vote on Tuesday, May 8. May the best man win.
My Issues
A More Interactive Council
Transparency in Government
Responsible Budgeting for ALL of Our Seniors
Preventing Urban Blight
Vision For The Future
Build It and They Will Come
Championing the Future
Notes on the Campaign